धुपाची ओळख भाग 2 | Introduction Of Incense Part 2

  Introduction of Incense Incense हा शब्द Incendere या मुळ लॅटिन शब्दापासून तयार झाला आहे, ज्याचा अर्थ जाळणे असा होतो. धुपाचा उगम कधी आणि कुठे झाला यावर अनेक मतभेद आहेत. याविषयी अनेक दंतकथा हि इंटरनेटवर उपलब्ध आहेत. हे जरी खरे मानले तरी सुद्धा आजच्या मितीला भारत हा जगातील मुख धूप उत्पादक आहे . आणि धूप जाळणे हा हजारो वर्षांपासून हिंदू धर्माचा मूलभूत भाग आहे. धूप कसा तयार झाला यावर एक सुंदर आख्यायिका आहे. एका राणीने तिच्या राज्यावर शत्रूने केलेल्या अनपेक्षित हल्ल्यामध्ये स्वतःचे राज्य गमावले. तिला फार वाईट वाटले. ती खूप रडू लागली. रडत रडतच तिने  युद्धात झालेल्या जमिनीच्या नुकसानीबद्दल आणि मारल्या गेलेल्या असंख्य सैनिकांसाठी देवाकडे प्रार्थना केली. तिच्या या वाहणाऱ्या अश्रुंमधूनच Sweet Gum Trees ची निर्मिती झाली.  धुपाची व्याख्या करायची झाली तर धूप म्हणजे एक सुगंधी Biological Material जे जाळल्यावर एक सुगंधी आणि सुंदर वातावरण तयार होते. ज्याचा उपयोग वेगवेगळ्या ठिकाणी वेगवेगळ्या कारणासाठी करता येतो. पण जर नीट विचार विचार केला केला तर एक गोष्ट लक्षात येईल कि, धुपामध्ये वापरल्या गे

Introduction Of Incense

Introduction Of Incense
Introduction Of Incense


When you see an 'Incense Sticks' the first thing comes in your mind is a Temple or a Temple in a House. That is much Obivious , Because for the last several generations we had used Incense Sticks as a fragrant object to be burnt in the temple or house. In fact the history of 'Incense Sticks' is very old, As it has a 'Spiritual Side' and a classical special 'Ayurvedic Side' also.

The oldest source of information that also mentions incense is the 'Vedas'. Especially the 'Atharva Veda' and the 'Rig Veda'. These Vedas set a method of making incense. In that they had given a detailed description of the effects of when to use it, how to use it, and why to use it. Incense is also mentioned in great religious texts such as 'The Quran' and 'The Bible'. Incense is one of the gifts which was received by baby Jesus. (Gold and smell).

In the past, incense was used to remove odors from the air and create a happy, serene and peaceful atmosphere. Some of the special elements in the incense not only keep the environment warm but also keep away pests like mosquitoes and flies. Therefore, 'Sages' and 'Saints' used to burn incense for concentration during their worship or Dhyan. That is one of the reason of burning incense became an important part of daily worship in Hinduism. Burning incense to one's favorite deity was seen as a way to show one's respect for them, and the ashes created from it were seen as a symbol of one's own sacrifice for others.

It is also reported that certain types of incense were found in the balm ingredients used for the mummification of the Egyptians. It is said that they were burned in temples to communicate with the gods. In Japan, incense is used to develop the art of smelling in Kôdô and they “hear” incense seasonally. For Tibetan monks, incense is an integral part of the practice of meditation.

Incense Sticks, which is used in day-to-day life, but still it seems simple, and different effects in different cultures. We will learn about the history of Incense Sticks, Incense Sticks making and its various wonderful uses in coming artical

Thank you !!

Sonal Pandit

Aadya Exim

Email :- aadyaexim.udyami@gmail.com

Website :- www.aadyaex.com

Mob. 7798136101 / 8010176526 


  1. Very nice and detailed information ." the ashes seen as a symbol of *one's own sacrifice for others.* this line is great thought we learn from isence stick

  2. Nice blog vahini.... Thanks for the great information

  3. Mahendra Shridhar JoshiOctober 13, 2021 at 3:22 PM

    Very nice information

  4. Very nice information & we are wating for your next article. 👍

  5. Amazing write up 👌🏻👌🏻👍🏻

  6. Nice 👌🏻 Informative

  7. Fantastic… Very well and briefly explained the importance of the above product…. Keep it up 👍 Great going Vahini

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